Monday, November 23, 2009

Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide

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Jenny McCarthy-whose bestselling books Louder Than Words and Mother Warriors told the stories of healing children with autism-teams up with a preeminent autism doctor to write the first book on a remarkably effective treatment.

In 2006, autism became the leading disorder affecting children in the United States. While diagnoses skyrocket and parents struggle to find help, a group of innovative doctors has been pioneering therapies and treatments that are remarkably effective in healing conditions associated with autism. As word spreads about these incredible discoveries- helped in part by Jenny McCarthy's book Louder Than Words- parents are desperate to learn about the biomedical therapies for themselves.

Since early intervention is key to a successful recovery, McCarthy has teamed up with Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, the doctor who successfully treated her son, to write the first book to give parents all the necessary information about biomedical treatment. Beginning with diagnosis, Dr. Kartzinel explains the different therapies that he uses. He shows parents how to make simple changes to their child's environment and diet that can result in marked improvements and are safe and easy to try at home. And finally he explains some of the more advanced therapies that many doctors use today, and the way parents, alongside a qualified medical professional, can determine whether or not such treatments would benefit their child.

For new parents, Dr. Kartzinel provides helpful guidelines on how to best protect their child from developing autism.

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- ISBN13: 9780525951032
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
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Customer Buzz
 "In no means is this book a complete guide" 2009-11-19
By Stephen R. Scheffler (Seattle, Washington)
I have two children that have been diagnosed with high functioning autism so this is a very personal matter for our family. We are very fortunate to have a friend who is a PHD/expert/national speaker on the brain. We've also been able to work with a research university regarding high functioning autism.

We would all like easy clear answers for autism. The medical field is definitely lacking clear treatment options for people with autism. What really aggravates me about this book is the strong opinions stated without credible research or evidence to back up their opinions. I would not be surprised after research comes out that some of the opinions in this book detrimental, a waste of time, and resources. We all need to push the envelope and look outside the box for answers. Jenny has approached this problem unconventionally and shared some of her insights. Please don't be fooled that this book is a complete guide. How can it be a complete guide with so much research going on?

If you want to read this book for an alternative perspective go ahead but keep a pound of salt next to you while you read.

Customer Buzz
 "Excellent Resource!" 2009-10-09
By R. Hardy (Spanish Fork, Utah)
I shared this excellent book with my daughter raising her five year old autistic son. Her remarks follow:

"This book is a wonderful resource for parents of autistic children! It is both helpful and insightful which every parent will find invaluable, who is working hard to learn & guide their autistic child to meet the challenges of life and to adjust to living in the real world."

Customer Buzz
 "Excellent book for ANYONE with kids!" 2009-09-20
By Laurri J. Wallace
I wish I would have purchased this book long ago. After having two children with no problems, the third has become severely developmentally delayed-traditional docs have not been encouraging or nearly as aggressive as I need. This book gives practical information to get you started in a different direction-things most mainstream docs will not "think outside of the box" to share with you. Many of the things discussed are applicable to the general population-not just kids with autism. This book will be my standard baby shower gift. :)

Customer Buzz
 "A great START but not by any means complete..." 2009-09-20
By Christina (Texas)
I've had this book for a while. I actually received it from the Vine program before it was released to the public and dove into it so quickly that I could have been the first one to post a review here. Let me back up a little...I am a Body Ecology Coach and while this review is SOLELY my OWN opinion of the book, as excited as I was to receive the book, I quickly realized after I started reading it, I felt that had just stepped in a puddle of mud.

I am going to do my very best to provide an honest, unbiased opinion. With so many people being on polar opposites in regards to what causes autism to how or even IF it can be treated, I realize the uncomfortable position I have put myself in by selecting this book and being obligated to post an honest review on it. It's one thing to agree or disagree on a specific theory, study or protocol but it's an entirely different thing to state an opinion then to call out someone by name where you disagree.

For starters, I ABSOLUTELY think that Dr. Jerry Kartzinel is wonderful. From what I've read about him and reading his contributions, he is obviously very dedicated to finding solutions to recovering children affected with ASD. He is obviously open minded to where he doesn't seem to stop searching for answers and has no doubtedly been successful in treating and reducing symptoms of his current patients. I think those who seek his services are very lucky indeed to be in good hands.

My heart goes out to Jenny McCarthy on a personal level and all other parents (many who I have become friends with as well as clients of mine) who have to deal with watching their children suffer at the hands of this cruel (condition) called autism. I think it's obvious that Jenny has done a tremendous job of doing her best to put autism in the forefront to the public and with Jim Carey, they are both doing a tremendous job in doing what they can to inform the public about treatment options as they see fit.

So while I think that the efforts and intentions are certainly sincere, I think that 'they' have done the autism community - both those who are currently 'in' this community and for those who will unfortunately join in time, by claiming that this book is a "COMPLETE GUIDE" for "HEALING and PREVENTING AUTISM". While it provides you a wonderful running start, this book is not by ANY means complete in any way. So I implore those who are affected with Autism to certainly take the time to read this book but above all, continue to search, continue to read, continue to ask questions to other parents, practitioners and specialists. Ask, ask, ask and when you are finished, ask some more. If someone gives you an answer, then as exhausting as it is, cross reference their information or advice so that you are certain without a shadow of a doubt that whatever protocol, supplement or medication you are considering for your child is safe, is what YOUR specific child needs at this point in time, justified and effective. Too many DAN! practitioners - even those who charge an outrageous $400 per consultation have a standard cookie cutter approach to EACH child affected with autism. One will swear that all autism stems from a viral issue so they'll want to load the kid up with an anti-viral regardless if that is what is of most concern at this time for the parent and so on. Most of these kids all heavy metal issues, low functioning methylation pathways, fungal infections, underlying viral issues, metabolic issues, digestive issues and so on but you have to gather your list of what things you'd like to help your child overcome and target what are your biggest concerns TODAY that you can try to address and go from there. I personally do not believe that ALL austism manifested in the same exact way and don't believe that the treatment is identical for each child so you have to be the one to lead the way and find out what is best for your child.

Just a few brief notes as to what I found incomplete...just based on diets. They briefly mention The Body Ecology Diet and Young Coconut Kefir but then Jenny makes a comment that while her son WAS on it, when she got test results back, she found out her son was "allergic to coconuts!" They both fail to mention what her son's test results were on 'coconuts'. Keeping in mind that SOME test results come back with false positives and some come back with false negatives, they also fail to explain WHAT portion of the coconut that Evan was tested for? If it was a mild allergy and he was tested for the MEAT of the coconut, then it was very likely that Evan was allergic to the proteins IN the coconut meat. Granted, if an allergy is in the mid range or severe then it IS best to avoid the offending food but in many cases, if someone is allergic to a certain food, it's because their bodies can't properly process either the proteins or the sugars in the food. (Not everyone mind you, but many.) They can't process the proteins because their bodies currently lack the digestive enzymes to break down this specific type of protein and they'll have problems processing a certain type of sugar because their gut lacks the exact type or required amounts of microflora to break down the sugars. So these sugars and proteins will enter into the bloodstream as some deem, "leaky gut syndrome" and cause allergic reactions. In Evan's case, was he allergic to the meat (proteins?) or the coconut water (sugars?). They ALSO fail to explain that when you culture or ferment a specific food or drink, it then becomes predigested so it's easily assimilated in the body with no reactions. Take coconut water for instance. If you culture it with probiotic starters (we use the Body Ecology Starters from [...]) then the microflora actually consume the sugars in the water and turn it into b-complex vitamins as properly functioning microflora would in the gut. So then you have this no sugar / low sugar (depending on how long it was fermented) wonderful drink that is full of potassium, b -vitamins,some magnesium, some calcium, vitamin C packed with natural enzymes and probiotics to help nourish the body. Some have also claimed that it makes them crave less sugar and carbs and helps to chelate heavy metals out of the body as well. If this were just some other food, I can see where it wouldn't warrant explaining this in details but SO MANY children and adults have found young coconut kefir (the fermented WATER and not the meat) INCREDIBLY beneficial and a wonderful, nourishing food. By speaking half truths about it and providing incomplete information, I think they both would have been better off to not mention it at all rather than to fail to provide complete information about the overall diet and YCK (young coconut kefir). I kept wondering WHY they bothered to mention it in a sentence or so and not properly explain that it was a very effective anti-candida diet and why they never bothered to SPEAK with someone knowledgable about Body Ecology yet include tidbits about the diet?

Another area where the book is incomplete in regards to treatment for autism is ADULT stem cell therapy. I MAY have received an editor's edition where the book was incomplete however I didn't see a single mention of stem cell therapy as an alternative choice. I realize that there are some clinics using embryonic stem cells and I have to state that while it may be effective, personally I DO NOT agree with this since there are other ways. There are concerns that some practitioners have in regards to embryonic stem cells not to mention the source of the stem cells in question. I had to ask myself that if their book was such a COMPLETE GUIDE to healing and preventing autism, why no mention of treating autism with cord blood stem cells (stem cells from the umbilical cords AFTER delivery from a healthy baby or healthy mom) or from their own fat cells or cells from their own parents?

I'm sure that even if Jenny McCarthy and Dr. Kartzinel weren't well versed in stem cell therapy at the time that this was published, other parents and practitioners ARE and would have gladly shared the knowledge and experience. To make claims that this is a COMPLETE guide but to then make a joint decision to omit information on one of the most cutting edge therapies currently available, they are doing a disservice to those who WANT to learn. I was taken aback that stem cell therapy was not even mentioned in this book because there are some children who have noticed a significant decrease in seizure activity...I don't personally know Ms. McCarthy but she's been very public and open about her son still suffering from seizures so being as connected as she is in the autism community, I feel certain that she's at least heard of it and that it's been mentioned to her from someone out there who is in communications with her. I don't think that it wasn't included because the treatment is controversial - Jenny's middle name is controversial and publically at least, she seems to have never backed down from a fight just because some people may disagree.

For those interested, please check out my friend, Daniel Faiella's son, Matthew and track his amazing progress. While I personally and professionally HIGHLY suggest implementing a diet like the Body Ecology diet first, Daniel gives credit to Matthew's progress to aggressive and consistent mHBOT/HBOT therapy, Cord Blood Stem Cells treatment and oral Collodial Silver therapy for Matthew's road to recovery. Keeping in mind that like every other treatment, what may work for one child may not work exactly the same manner for another but this type of treatment certainly deserves recognition. You can check out Matthew's progress on his Mom & Dad's blog: [recoveringmatthew.blogspot] (Amazon actually removed the link that I provided for Daniel's blog. Just in case it's removed again, you can either google Daniel Faiella's name or Recovering Matthew or post a comment to me on behalf of this review and I'll be glad to forward you his the link to his blog.) Check out his AMAZING recovery progress!

Keep in mind that they do NOT use embryonic stem cells, in fact his Dad has told me that they emphatically do not support embyronic stem cells and will only utilize adult stem cells for their son's recovery. Maybe at some point, they would be able to utilize Matthew's own stem cells or his Mom's or Dad's but at the time of this review, he has only received cord blood from umbilical cords AFTER a full term baby was born and used only after Mom & Baby have been tested that they are free of diseases then the stem cells are harvested and 'cleaned'. There are many other families seeking this route of therapy however due to public outlash from those who are negative and uneducated as far as where these stem cells come from (again, NOT from aborted fetuses but from stem cells from umbilical cord of a full term baby) they respectably choose to remain anonymous. Danielle and Ruth have bravely stepped out into the light - despite the chance of backlash from some and have been completely open to sharing their progress and path with Matthew. May God and the Universe keep this family and continue to bless them and Matthew's progress.

On a small note, something so basic as to explain WHAT TYPE of B12 is effective for children with autism is not mentioned either. There are FIVE different types of B12s and not all of them will produce the same results IF your child is a responder. (According to Dr. James Neurbrander, most children DO respond to mB12 at some level, some more significant than others.) Some practitioners even believe that cynacobalamin can even cause harm to those who consume it long term if they have mercury toxicity (which most ASD affected kids have). So for a vitamin supplement that is SO mainstream in the DAN protocol and has proven to be so effective for many, they really should have specified WHICH type and how much to give / ask for should their doctor not know. My concern is if there is a parent out there with a limited budget, without access to a knowledgable practitioner in treating ASD, that they could hop on the internet and order cynacobalamin injections from weight loss docs on the internet and give it to their children...they could POSSIBLY cause unintentioned harm and or obviously waste well earned money on something that wasn't intended for autism in the first place.

While I applaude the efforts of Ms. McCarthy and Dr. Kartzinel, I felt that their book while a good START is incomplete. I think if they had perhaps included maybe just 20% more precise content, it would have been an EXCELLENT book. Perhaps if the editors would have removed the personal conversations between the two and replaced it with valuable information, that alone would have proven to be so much more of a valuable resource to both families and practitioners. With all of the negative criticism that I mentioned, I DO want to stress that the there is a lot of information in this book for parents who have received a new diagnosis of autism OR for those many parents who have a child who you THINK maybe be a bit different or delayed in some areas of development but has never been diagnosed...maybe it's something you just can't put your finger on just yet...while your pediatrician tells you to 'wait and see', you can get a leg up on everything, feed your child a healthy diet, get their methylation cycles supported and moving, keep their stools consistent, address their yeast issues, ask for specific tests mentioned in the book and hopefully reverse what has taken place so that when your pediatrician feels that it's time to discuss your concerns at your child's next well visit, hopefully you'll have seen some gains in your child...maybe some literal weight gain, less allergic responses, more active, responsive and more focus...perhaps more coordinated and reaching their milestones at the appropriate age range - just so your pediatrician will smile at you and say, "SEE? I told you nothing was wrong!"

Customer Buzz
 "Very informative" 2009-09-09
By Francesca (Phoenix, AZ USA)
I ordered this book because my daughter-in-law recommended it. I read a few chapters and then gave it to my daughter-in-law so she could use the information for my granddaughter. She found the book very informative and helpful.

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